KENTUCKY BLACK RAIL - 4 RAIL $13.99 FT. - 3 RAIL $11.99 FT. - 2 RAIL $9.99 FT.(300 ft minimum order.) - WHITE 3 RAIL - $11.99 FT. - NEW Bufftech White Privacy Fence 6 X 8. Now Only $19.99 per ft. Or $159.92 per panel Complete including post, cap rails and T & G Pickets Finally an affordable White Privacy fence. ---

Spring Sale Going On Now!

- Update: We are now accepting orders for most all Bufftech Timber Grain and Certablend Residential fence styles. Lead-time 3 weeks. Black 3 rail horse fence $12.49 per ft.3 Rail Pasture Rail Horse Fence $9.99 ft. (not available in all areas 500 ft. minimum order)Lexington Privacy Fence $27.37 Complete.Allegheny Privacy Fence $59.99 per ft. COMPLETE.Sherwood Privacy Fence $62.00 Complete. - 4/1/23 Realistic Woodgrain Bufftech Timber Grain 2, 3 and 4 rail horse fences are back in production in 4 colors. - We are now accepting orders for most all Bufftech Timber Grain and Certablend Residential fence styles. Lead-time 3 weeks. Black 3 rail horse fence $12.49 per ft.3 Rail Pasture Rail Horse Fence $9.99 ft.Lexington Privacy Fence $27.37 Complete.Allegheny Privacy Fence $59.99 per ft. COMPLETE.Sherwood Privacy Fence $62.00 Complete. 4/1/23 Realistic Woodgrain Bufftech Timber Grain 2, 3 and 4 rail horse fences are back in production in 4 colors.
Important notice: There will be a price increase on many items effective 5/1/21. Please act by Friday, May 30 on any orders in progress to lock in any prices.

How this works! In 10 Easy Steps

  1. Pick a style you like that fits your needs and budget, (our prices are here online).
  2. Measure your project and make a simple drawing.
  3. Fax or email your drawing with your contact info including address, phone and style.
  4. We’ll figure what it appears you need from your drawing, what the shipping costs and taxes will be, (if any), and we’ll tell you the lead time and procedure for the shipping.
  5. Install it yourself, (we’ll help with the complete instructions and personal answers), or find an installer, perhaps a local handyman you or your friends or family know. Or look in the phone book for landscape companies who work in your area. Also, some of the local feed stores or hardware companies know of local installers.
  6. Sometimes if your order is real small it may save you money to go elsewhere and if so we’ll give you some ideas.
  7. Our showroom is here on our website. There are no huge warehouses or inventory costs to pay for so we can sell to you at wholesale prices. Even after paying shipping most orders are much less than buying locally. The quality here is much better than the budget fence panels at your local discount house like Home Depot and Lowes. Compare Home Depot and Lowes
  8. Screws, brackets, hardware, wood inside the posts, extras and add-ons. If your fence requires any of these, it’s probably a very cheap fence. A correctly engineered fence is pre-routed so the pickets lock inside the rails and the rails lock inside the posts. Glue is not used to hold pieces together. Wherever needed the bottom rail at least should have a galvanized steel insert for extra strength.) Our prices per ft. include everything you’ll need including posts, caps rails, pickets and steel rail inserts for most styles. Just multiply our price per ft. by the number of running feet of fence you’ll need for a quick estimate. (please note that we don’t include the bags of cement or the holes in the ground)
  9. We’re located in San Jose California but we don’t ship from here. We have different shipping points throughout the country. The product you choose and your location will determine where it comes from. Usually the cost including shipping is lower than you can get locally since the local material had to be shipped there to start with.
  10. If any of this confuses you, don’t worry, just give us a call at 1-800-431-4720 and we’ll help you in person.